Ecuador volcano activity update
Wednesday, 23 April 2008 12:00 AM
Airport passenger with luggage
Ecuador’s many active volcanoes are a spectacular sight and the adventure holiday activities nearby are popular with tourists but recent eruptions have prompted the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to put people on their guard.
The Tungurahua volcano near the resort of Banos has seen significant activity in 2008, erupting on February 6th and causing mudslides, heavy ash falls and evacuations.
Since then activity has decreased and access restrictions to Banos and Pelileo have been lifted by the Ecuadorian authorities.
However, the FCO continues to advise against all but essential travel to within six miles of the mountain.
Ash and steam plumes and Stombolian activity at the summit and lahars travelling 600m down the flanks of the mountain have been reported this week, according to the Smithsonian/USGS weekly volcanic activity report.
Reventador in Napo province; Sangay between Chimborazo and Morona Santiago; and Cotopaxi are other closely monitored volcanoes considered active in Ecuador.
Sangay and Reventador have both showed increased seismic activity over the past year.
The FCO advises climbers not to ascend these volcanoes.